VNC screenshots

muLinux desktop, from Debian Linux

This is an hardcopy taken from my full Linux system (a Pentium with Debian 2.0), using the Linux VNC viewer (the window marked X, of course). You can see the muLinux VNC server (running on a 486 monochrome, hostname

Win98 desktop, from Debian Linux

This is an hardcopy taken from my full Linux system (a Pentium with Debian 2.0), using the Linux VNC viewer.

You can see the VNC WIn98 desktop (running on a laptop), as appairs from XWindow. On the laptop also run a Windows VNC viewer, pointing to Debian VNC server. This is the window titled "root's X Desktop ( Can you see the xterm apps running on Debian side?

muLinux desktop, from WIN98

This is a WIN98 desktop screen hardcopy. You can see the muLinux VNC X server, running in a local window (VNC viewer).

Ok,ok: you can see also the "Outlook Express" and "Internet Explorer" icons. I'm, sorry: I buyed recently this laptop (paying also for Win98) and this surprising pieces of software are still unconfigured :)

Warning: on the laptop monitor there is a label "Designed for WIN98". Maybe, some specialized hardware, of course? I wish to be honest with you: I don't know if the same environment (VNC, etc.) will works on your general-purpose machine :))))

muLinux desktop, from WIN98 Netscape

This is a WIN98 desktop screen hardcopy. You can see the muLinux VNC X server, running in Netscape (JAVA viewer).